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Thursday, November 17, 2005


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John Mehorter

Was the writer C.S. Lewis?

Will you be around Thanksgiving time?

Great blog, btw..

"There will be two kinds of people in the end: Those that will say to God 'Thy will be done' and those to whom God will say 'Thy will be done.'" C.S. Lewis


No... but not a bad stab! I'll give another hint though... it's from a book written in the same genre that C.S. Lewis is most famous for...

John Mehorter

Well, that just has to be Tolkien.


Nope! Keep in mind, it's a very large field, and as I said before, I'm fairly certain that no one will get it except perhaps Katie...

John Mehorter

I see that I'll have to think hard on this one...
I want those 1000 points!
This may take some time... i'll be back.

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