Heh heh... I was just re-reading some of my earlier blog entries, and something funny occured to me. If someone had told me before a year ago that "You'll pilot a Russian jet plane before you ever drive a motorcycle!" I would have taken it to mean that I'd never in my life actually ride a motorcycle. But as it turns out, it would've been prophecy! I actually have flown a Russian Jet, and have not yet driven a motorcycle in my life! That's awesome! So I also have to kind of call bull***t on myself here because in my description of flight day, I compared piloting the L-39 acrobatic jet to driving a motorcycle in the sky, and as I've never been on a motorcycle, I apparently had no true basis for comparison, (unless you count the scooters I drove while living in Bavaria, which I probably shouldn't) but it sounded good. But I will definately correct that at some point in the future, as the prophecy clearly states that I WILL fly a Russian jet before ever riding a motorcycle! hee hee. Self-fulfillment rules!
Has anyone seen 'Grizzly Man'? I watched it the other night, and man I laughed my butt off at that guy! I mean, he's just some loser that decided to go live in a super dangerous Grizzly Bear environment, even though he'd had no formal training with something like Park Service or Bearology or whatever! What did he think was going to happen! Ha! .... but then I realized that I've pretty much done the same thing... and I'm not sure if that makes him worthy of more respect from me, or me worthy of equal derision... let's just drop the subject there, okay?
So anyway, we finished the construction, mostly on time, but I'm still not sure where we stand with the client... on the one hand I think it's likely that they'll tell us to take a hike anyway, as we are usually having a crisis of some sort and are not fully able to meet their requirements, but on the other hand they'd be foolish to let us go because they've been bullying us into performing work that is outside what we are actually contracted to do, and we have to let them because we are in no position to stand up for ourselves. Additionally, they haven't paid GBG in 6 months, so it's work for free! Another contractor won't give them a deal like that! So anyway, my honest guess is that we'll only be here a few more months until they can hire a replacement contractor, but I've heard nothing official yet.
Thailand, here I come!
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