So has anybody been watching the news as regards my very-in-trouble boss? The news has actually been more about the first guy they
arrested, Mr. Stein, who was Project Manager at my camp for one month
way back when I first started working for Phil. If you haven't, here's a link to my favorite article so far, which I copied and pasted from Fayetteville Online. And here's a NY Times article which has more pre-trial gory details. Bob went to court last Thursday, pleading guilty to all 5 charges against him... not a good sign that he didn't even try to defend. Also, not good for Phil when Bob fingered him as the plot instigator. Something tells me I won't be seeing that lunatic here again any time soon!
The newest major detail to come out of Bob's trial, though, is Phil's scandalously lurid "SEX VILLA"... where he lured officials into bribe schemes... those poor, misguided, easily swayed government officials, huh? Phil must be the devil himself to be able to lead those stalwart examples of our nation's finest into temptation!
Actually, all sarcasm aside, I'd believe it if he were the devil himself...
At any rate, I am proud to say that, even though I was invited on several occasions to party at the villa, I never did go. I never did feel comfortable accepting that invitation, especially since Phil wanted an RSVP signed in blood.... just kidding.
Sort of.
I don't suppose you guys are still hiring?
Great blog, by the way. I really enjoy reading.
Posted by: TF | Friday, February 10, 2006 at 11:37, at the moment we are not hiring. Unless you're from Fox news? We sure could use some good spin right about now...
Thanks for your encouraging comment; would you believe that some of my so-called friends out there think my blog is an embarrassment? They seem to think that if you're going to blog, it should either be about political anti-bush stuff or your hobbies, or a bunch of 'My favorite movies and my favorite music' lists which no one really gives a rat's a** about, but never an actual online journal. Ah well, a prophet is never accepted in his own home...
(okay, now THAT was going too far.)
Posted by: messiestobjects | Friday, February 10, 2006 at 23:42
The fools!
Posted by: TF | Saturday, February 11, 2006 at 00:26
Incidentally, there's nothing wrong with anti-bush blogs, not at all. We need more of them. I just happen to not be very good at commenting on that sort of thing, there are hundreds of people out there who are much better at hating Bush than me, so I've stuck to the axiom, -'Write what you know, write what you know... what do I know? What do I know? Come on! I've got to know SOMEthing! ... Darn it.'-
Posted by: messiestobjects | Saturday, February 11, 2006 at 01:06