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By Michael H. Williams


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Monday, March 13, 2006


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Naw, marketing is the easiest thing in the world. It's different than sales. Do it! You'll be good at it; you have a good facility with language, which is all you need. What the hell is ITMFA? Just curious.


Here, I'll school ya: this is either a) how to market, or b) how not to. Take your pick.
My suggestion would have been to launch a big PR campaign BEFORE bombing the shit out of said country, but hey - I'm not in charge.


Never mind; I googled ITMFA. Nice. We're working on it, you know?


Thanks Mike... it's always good to know what you're up to just so we can be prepared!! For what I'm not certain. For sure you have a knack for, as John says, "landing on your feet," but marketing?? I think uncle Rob predicted well and before too long you'll be dealing in insurance or something. Fly low to Romania - too many things happening near that part of the world these days. All of us here in PA send our prayers and our love.

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