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Tuesday, July 04, 2006


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Actually, my views on spirituality are very similar to my views of patriotism. In fact, I can even use the same phrasing, more or less. Membership in (any) religion or church does not equal love of God, and subscription to books of questionable origin does not equal a spiritual life.
God gave me two things; My brain and my conscience. That book was handed down over hundreds of years by dusty old men who had more interest in power than God... the pharisees were replaced by the priests, Hell-O! The Emperor wears no clothes. That verse in Revelations that so many preachers use as 'proof' that that book has come down to us direct and unchanged... it goes something like "And the guy that takes away from the words of this book will be slow-roasted over the Bar-B-Q pits of the 7th level of Hades, and the guy that adds to the words of this book will wish his mother never kissed his father" ... anyway, note that it doesn't say it won't be changed, just that the guy that does will be really really sorry. And one constant of the human condition is that we are used to being really really sorry. And even if it does in fact indicate that it was never altered to suit greedy old men, well that's a ludicrous thing to claim with a straight face and it is a perfect phrase to add in to keep the people docile. {Um... weapons of Mass Destruction? Bah, lie now, spin later!} And there is much evidence out there that the works included in that book are fairly arbitrary and incomplete. All those annoying apocrypha that keep coming to light... who do you think chose the ones we are left with and buried the stuff they didn't like in clay jars out in the desert somewhere? The "Muscles" Marinara of the early Vatican "family", that's what!
Anyway, again, not trying to convince. I just figure that if God didn't want people to use rational thought, he wouldn't have given them minds, and if he wanted people to follow blindly the man at the pulpit, or more to the point, accepting the hand-me-down from the Papacy which was around centuries before any other sect got it hands on that book along with interpretive skills, he wouldn't have given them the ability to make his own moral decisions.

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