You know what else makes a good alarm clock? An RPG exploding 100 yards from your bed, that's what. At 6:00 am sharp, too. See, I think what these so called "insurgents" are really trying to do is to make sure that all of us foreign reconstruction contractors get up in time so that we can get a good start on the daily rebuilding of Iraq... they're not really trying to kill us at all! They're just doing their part. It's a symbiotic relationship.
Here's a picture of my hand and all of the shrapnel we collected from around our camp after the rocket hit.
Well it's been three years (pretty close)... what now?? Seems exloding RPG's are not exactly the best alarm clocks since you really can't throw them across the room. More likely they throw you.
Posted by: Dad | Monday, August 07, 2006 at 07:16