Anybody here ever heard of a paternoster? Yeah well, I read in my LP Budapest guide book that there was a building not far from where I'm staying that has one, and I made a special trip over there because it's just one of those things I need to do before I die. They're so neat... it reminds one of the days when people thought the future was going to look like the Jetsons. Unfortunately, as happens sometimes in the travel book industry, it was a bit out of date and when I got there there was nothing but a rather abandoned-looking building that was all locked up. I peeked through a very dirty window and saw a whole mess of disconnected paternoster cabins strewn about the filthy hallway floor... it looked like the workers who were dismantling it could have just taken the day off and were coming back tomorrow, so there's no telling how many days I missed my chance by. Very sad.
Anyway, I'm leaving in a few minutes to go to the airport, but in the meantime I found a nice little wireless hotspot so I wanted to upload that picture I was talking about. It's a little blurry; I've been going through a blurry photo phase lately. I like the way a slightly blurry photo often leaves more room for interpretation than a clear one. Unfortunately, this is a rather silly photo, so no highfalutin' mumbo-jumbo should be taken from it, but I still like the way it looks. And so okay I lied, it's not really very funny at all. Oh wait... unless I tie this photo to my emotions upon finding the paternoster dismantled... sweet! The Title of this amazing photographic piece of art is now "WHYYYY GOD?! WHYYYYYY?!!" Now it's funnier. A smidgen.
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