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By Michael H. Williams

Buncha Smart Guys -n- Gals


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« I Say Things Three Times Alot, Because That's Blind Panic For You | Main | The Man Never Actually Said Billions & Billions or Millions & Millions That Way... That Was A Johnny Carson Thing »

Monday, February 12, 2007


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As if your head weren't big enough. Great. Thanks a lot, Shawn!


That pretty lady sign reminds me simultaneously of Jerry Lewis and Dana Carvey's Asian pet-shop owner. Why, I couldn't say. "Pretty laaaaaaaaady!"


Yes I know; I'm very aware that my head is in danger of getting so ripe that it falls off, only to find fertile ground and grow into an asshole tree.


Aww. "The Asshole Tree" was my favorite Shel Silverstein book.


whoa Nellie!

sorry just had to...

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