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Saturday, February 17, 2007


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doooood!! Britney shaved her head!!


That shirt is missing an exclamation point and a smiley face.


Britney who what?
And that shirt is missing someone named Heather wearing it to her child sex awareness class, if she thinks such things are amusing. [gets all unreasonably huffy]


I meant the shirt is amusing for the reasons you mentioned. It's like the least they can do. I think empty gestures are funny.


Kind of like when people get mad about something and then go funnel their tourism dollars into that economy.


That sounds rude. What I meant was, Christy's the one joking about Rwandan ass-rape. Go get on HER case. Damn!


I said I was unreasonably huffy. Anyway, tourism dollars to Cambodia=good, because that's a huge source of income for them. Tourist dollars do not support sex tourism... sexual predators and dirt poor Cambodians who give their children up for such things do that. Actually, the Cambodian government, as corrupt as they are, are actually taking the problem seriously, or so I understand. They realize that it's a bad image to have. I think the exclamation point and smiley face are due to be added next year, so, they're on top of it.
And don't you worry about Christy... I'll be taking care of her sweet ass later.


That is too much information. But, man! Emoticons can fix everything.


Quit dissin' them emoticons. I wouldn't be able to function on the infranets without my wink ;)

huh huh huh sweet ass... huh huh "The squirrels bombarded the monkeys with their nuts..." heh heh heh ;)


Yes, I am funnier than a 4th grader and emoticon-free.

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