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By Michael H. Williams


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« Orlando... I Got Nothin'. | Main | Seedy Underbellies Of Entities That Put Up Pretty Fronts »

Saturday, June 30, 2007


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wow a Bush post - I gave up on those.

Have you caught any of the stuff about Cheney lately?

If you don't know what I mean watch these videos:


we live in bizarro times...


Every once in a while I like to remind myself that Democracy really no longer exists as it was meant to, and that the steps to continue the dismantling of the Nation by greedy white fat fucks haven't stopped a bit. I was a bit ired this morning by the Supreme Court's big day.

And I was bored. And I like bringing up Baghdad Bob occasionally.


And the Cheney thing... well, it is funny. Funny scary. I'm glad that Keith and John are able to laugh about it, because I kind of feel sick to my stomach.


I just punched my computer screen. Thanks, Gary.


George Bush's tribute to Frank Zappa? no not really...

The Master

How I miss the malapropisms of Baghdad Bob. At least he knew the score - unlike the American administration and their feckless lackeys, sorry, indentured contractors.


I agree. Clearly the American troops were not in the city and were being slaughtered at Baghdad's gates.


hey look Bush spares the only guy anyone pin able to pin any wrong doing on from prison!


ooops that sentence got away from me...


It's nice to know that our commandeer-in-chief is culpable of showing mercy where it is most warranted.

(malaprops intended.)

The Master

I warrant you, he’s an infinitive thing, upon my score.

Better that than a lupine knave, though.

Sorry, supine knave.


Lupine Knave? Not very nice. After all, Mike said I wasn't allowed to post here unless I posted as 'Wolfboy'. I don't like it much myself, but you know how Mike is - there's just no reasoning with him...

Nevertheless, good show, sir - your moniker proves you yet again to be truly The Master of 'Buffy' references! A thing for which to be devoutly sought eternal, indeed!


Yes Dark Lord! ... bater.

I thought that might be you.


You don't have to be wolfboy anymore if you don't want to be... Although I know you've secretly come to like my imposed moniker for you, I now grant you permission to choose a better one, if you can!

The Master

The Master is quite the fitting name for me, if I may be so bold.

Buffy, eh? Typical - and so very wrong.

The Master

Once more with feeling ...

Since you've not found the source of my previous quotation, I've decided to provide you with an anagram version of the author's name: "I am a weakish speller."

Simplicity itself. And methinks you in your last line were reaching for "consummation devoutly to be wished", from ...

Right, back to lording over the universe, wreaking havoc and other minor pursuits. Be seeing you. Ta!


Just poking my head in. I swam with a flock of sting rays last night.


Hey Sissy, awesome. Stingrays on the Jersey shore? Crazy. I didn't see any in Croatia or Thailand when I went scuba diving, so I'm jealous.


It was so weird. They came right into the surf. There were hundreds of them! It looked as if they were on a migration of sorts. They just kept coming in droves. Of course, Spank and I were certain they were aliens at first. Then, as they came closer, within five feet of where I sat on my surfboard, I saw them flapping their wings and shaking their stingers.


I think it's Spanky. First the seagulls, and now stingrays are attracted to her. Dr. Spanklittle.

That's awesome. Next year I'm going to the beach with you guys so I can see what happens when Grizzly Bears find themselves lost in Stone Harbor.


Your theory would explain the raccoons that wandered into my room last night. And the nest of platypi in the kitchen cupboard. Dr. Spanklittle, indeed.


i do not like nature. and i resent the implications.


Aw. But nature likes you.


Okay, for the record, incase you didn't catch on, MO, that last Sissy comment was Spank. Hmmm. But, wait. I see that you responded to Spank, so I'm assuming that you caught the difference in tone and dialect.

Nature loves Spank. Did I ever tell you how much bats love Spanky???? Oh, how bats love Spanklittle.


Do you have video of bats loving Dr. Spanklittle?


Sissy has all of spank's embarrassing moments caught on tape, and stored in a massive vault under her house.

The Master

All the charms of Sycorax, toads, beetles, bats, light on you! For I am all the subjects that you have, which first was mine own king.

The lupine knave is thus vanquished.

Be seeing you.

Real soon.


You're a dork, dude.


"Sissy has all of spank's embarrassing moments caught on tape, and stored in a massive vault under her house."

Mwah ha ha ha ha ha.....and Spank knows this.


i cracked the system and im in like flynn. youll see all my moments captured on tape...or should i say clips of it...when i accept my acadamy award for most outstanding awesomeness


I thought The Master was Scott (after one comment) - but I stopped thinking that after subsequent comments. Scott is smart and funny. The Master is just kinda sad.



My thoughts exactly Christy!

Spanky, I want to see a movie based on your and Sissy's life. At least, I want more YouTubes of you being pecked at by seagulls.


Nice picture... I always did want a good pair of lederhosen.


Michael, you're in luck.

The Master

I'd rather be smart and sad than ... well, I reckon I am smart and funny when the occasion requires.

I'll stop spamming your blog with my brilliance now and move along to

Be seeing you.


Ta ta.


Actually Master - just to clarify - I just meant sad - not smart and sad.

The Master

Ahem, that's The Master to you, my dear.

How I miss S'burg.

Be seeing you.


I comment in arcing and non-assertive arguments as to avoid open criticism.

Ahhhh, catharsis.


I have to say Jim - even if this isn't what you're referring to - that I LOVE how infantile (on both sides) the arguing on the other blog has become. My stomach muscles were sore from laughter.

(Insert cheesy fake British accent here) I guess The Master knows me. Should we meet again we can do each other a mutual favor and skip the "Hi, how've you been doing?" convo that would in all likelihood lack any authenticity and therefore be a waste of time for all.

The Master

Surely that should read "favour" with that charming mock accent of yours.

Here's a little gift from The Master.


Since it is both cheesy and fake why would I bother with proper British spelling? I only bothered with the extra letters when I was staying there - it's only polite to do as the locals do.


I stopped by for a breath of fresh air...


I know, right Sissy? But... there is some purging going on. It all must seem very cruel and unnecessary to someone who doesn't know the events or people involved... I've been away for a few days and am still trying to catch up on the madness over at Julie's, so I am not prepared to comment over there yet.

As for The Master... he's this guy we used to know who has, for some reason which only he finds amusing, made it his life's mission to follow around my friend wolfboy, (not his real name, or even handle, but an embarrassing moniker which I forced on him unwillingly as only a friend can) taunting him with vaguely annoying... well, I don't know what you call what he's doing. They have some bad history, and The Master fancies himself (yes, fancies himself) as wolfboy's Moriarty, or something gay like that.


Welcome back McTraveling Pants! (lol - my favorite name, yet!) I don't know what I REALLY think about what went down at Julie's. I actually didn't invest an opinion until earlier this morning when Cap wrote a re-cap (he,he,he) of last week's events on another blog. When I read it, I was like, "Yeah, that's about right from where I'm standing."

Unfortunately, in the process of backing a few people, I got grabbed by the back of the hair and ripped around. I could have ended there, but I was bored and had nothing better to do than sharpen my defensive skills.

As for the REAL issue at hand, you're right. I understand very little of it, but that's because it's none of my business and I'm not asking anyone to fill me in. Under these circumstances, it's better that most is left unsaid. I feel bad for those of you involved, if it's causing you distress. I'll send some warm fuzzies your way to ease the conflict that may be brewing in your mind and heart.


Thanks for the moral support dear, but I'm ok, really. I'm not really a confrontational type of person and would likely have let things go, but Christy, who is a very dear friend and also actually a wonderful kind person despite her potty mouth and love of acidic debate, got tired of some things and rallied to my cause.

Thanks for not drawing lines... believe me I have found this to be very distasteful as it's really nobody's business, but you know as well as I that I'm not the one who made it a public freakshow, and neither was Christy.


"Christy, who is a very dear friend and also actually a wonderful kind person despite her potty mouth and love of acidic debate"

So you're saying that her online persona is mostly shtick? You don't have to answer if you don't feel like blowing her cover. I guess by saying that you're already ruining her image.


Hee hee. She also thrives on contradiction.

But no, she can be quite the evil bitch in real life when people piss her off, too. There's a very funny one about this guy she spit on in a bar once. But believe me, he mostly had it coming.

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