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Wednesday, October 17, 2007


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Miss Luongo

Awesome storytime! I'd always hear the version that the king made the kid his personal advisor because he realized he couldn't trust anyone. Also in my version, when the king couldn't see the garment he went along with it, as everyone did, so as not to seem unrefined. I never considered that he'd so fooled himself that he actually saw something. Or that he went along with the tailor's ruse on purpose. Interesting twists.


Well you know, there's 10 sides to every story.

Miss Luongo

There are 10 sides for INTJs.


You mean height, length, width, in, out, veight, vength, vidth, vin, and vout? Yes, we INTJs ARE very tesseracty.

Miss Luongo

Or how about front, back, top, bottom, right, left, in, out, under, over...


Top and over are the same, bottom and under also, spatially speaking. No, you need to go 4th dimension when dealing with us.

Miss Luongo

Well, height, length, and width aren't sides. I don't know about that other stuff.

I'll argue that top and over are different. Consider: My hat is on top of my head and the concept of veight and vength are over it.


Silly 3Der, you don't wear a hat!

Height, length, and width are dimensions. Actually, in our plane of existence, they're the only sides. In and out I just threw in there so I could have five, in order to double them to ten using meta-equivalent 4th dimensional directions. So, yeah, I may be jar-jarring 4D lingo, but mostly I'm full of Vhit.

Miss Luongo

Carl Jung just blogged about Snow White.


Ummm... I know this is late but, I hate to break it to you really, but, Jung is dead, dude.


And he hated blogs.

Miss Luongo

But he's still alive in the collective consciousness. And I'm pretty sure he's fascinated by blogs. It's the collective consciousness incarnate.


Are jou talking about the Jungian overmind? Jes! If jou're the MBTI Kraken, then he is the psjchoanaljtical jeti of Gaia! I mean, Gaja.

Miss Luongo

I meant to say the collective unconscious.

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