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« Dean & Britta At The Black Cat In D.C. Feb. 26, 2008 | Main | I Bring You The TEN [CRASH!] Um, FIFTEEN Commandments! »

Thursday, March 13, 2008


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Miss Luongo

I like the guy who wants to have drinks before he's shot dead in a hotel room in a country he has no business being in and will probably get kicked out of and jailed. That's a great character.


Yeah... character. That's what all of the investigating officers and news reports had to say about him.

He was also a raving lunatic. He could be really nice and generous one minute, (His Iraqi employees were the highest paid Iraqis for equivalent work in the Green Zone) and frothing at the mouth about something ridiculous the next.

Miss Luongo

Well, having character and being a character are distinctly different. One allows for "raving lunatic" and the other doesn't.


I know I know... I'm just being wry because of all the insanity I had to put up with from that guy, in between all of the other insanity going on inside the Interzone.

Interzone is my personal name for the Green Zone; William Burroughs renamed Tangiers to Interzone in his novel Naked Lunch. Tangiers was an International Zone at the time, which is what they tried changing the name of the Green Zone to after Paul Bremer and the CPA ('t P.roduce A.nything) left.

linus r.

Perhaps all of us should stay away from Iraq, and instead just hang out with Farida at the Queen Beatrix Palace in the Netherlands....

now that's my cup of tea....


Sounds like a hoot. Ah, the dulcet squealings of traditional Arab music... How I miss them.


"As I saw him coming, I loudly whistled Darth Vader's theme."

Priceless. Better than the movies.


It was pretty sweet. Also, rather unheard of... most people over there were blustering Republicans. Negative talk about Operation Freedom To Be Occupied was frowned upon. Scott, Jeff and I especially always felt rather out of place.


Speaking of Mr. Vador, this is my fave Eddie Izzard number.


Eddie Izzard is funny. Weird and funny.

But speaking of Star Wars humor...

linus r.

I saw a copy of this book at the local Costa Mesa library, thanks for the recomendation.... I'll check this out eventually....

Richard Kelly

"But speaking of Star Wars humor..."

Feh - this one rocks the cock like Krista Now.


Glad my book report turned someone on to reading it! Mrs. Wright would be so proud of me. You'll have to let me know what you think of it, linus.

I'm sorry Richard Kelly, but Southland Tales was so bad that nothing you ever say again will carry any weight. And while James Earl Jones doing his pimp voice is funny in a sort of default sort of way, it doesn't go for that gut laugh like something like this does.

Richard Kelly

You take that back or I'll have a jetliner dropped on your head and your stash of child porn discovered!

Richard Kelly

Wow, why'd it post twice? Did I open up another rip in the space-time continuum?!

I gotta watch that.


What are you talking about? You're weird, Donnie. Why you gotta go all smart on us?

Richard Kelly

Whatever. None of this changes the fact that James Earl Jones and I are pimps - and pimps don't commit suicide.


I'm afraid I can no longer discuss this with you. I could lose my job.

Miss Luongo

I'm worried that I might have the sort of amnesia Boxer Santaros had. You know, the kind where you remember everything.

Richard Kelly

Try twiddling your fingers comedically.

It won't help, but it'll make me laugh! I'll let you do it in my next movie! Repeatedly!

Miss Luongo

I'll nuance my performance by bugging my eyes out and shifting them quickly from side to side. It's a trick I learned from watching professional wrestlers.

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