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By Michael H. Williams


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Wednesday, April 30, 2008


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Nice game,I have a better luck,but I don't spoil it.Thank you


Yes, absolutely. Grandma always told me, don't spoil your luck.


I played this once a while back...I got level 8 of 12 complete - My total was 249,686. My IQ is 100. I feel this is not too bad for someone that never really leaves the country and doesn't care much at all about "foreign lands" hahaha. I'm american. You figure out where I live hahaha. Tongue

I wish the map was a bit bigger.


When I first started playing I was getting to level 6... I know the US, middle east, and Europe pretty well, but most of Africa, Asia and South and Central America aren't places I know as good as I thought. But thanks to this game I've been boning up... I made it to level 10! I hear that Christy has made it to level 11 though... grr.

Anyway, the places I do know, I know very well; I'm consistently pinning them in less than 50 miles, which on this game, due to the too small size of the map, is pretty good.

quiet rockchick

that is awesome...damn, some of those were very hard locations were very hard to pinpoint on the map and thus a very humbling experience


I know, right? I mean, I've traveled. Quite a bit. But you know who still got a better score than me? DK that's who. She's good at that stuff though.

Also, I forgot that my shower curtain is also a big world map, so I even study in the shower. And still I can only make it to level 10, on my better days.

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