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Sunday, August 10, 2008


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Gaseous Clay

Per the norm, I read this after an exceptionally long day and a few too many drinks, so, my comprehension is blitzkrieged by exhaustion and Dionysian delirium. That said, I’ve often wondered, while you speculate about the future, is it possible that time moves forward and backward simultaneously? I wonder this in contemplation of the universe collapsing. If we’re moving forward in space and time, but the universe is collapsing, would there not be overlap? Certainly, there are infinite possibilities at any given second, but when the grid aligns we have déjà vu and synchronicity. We’re rapidly approaching 2012. As you’ve always been, and will be, more educated on these subjects… I’m more of a dreamer and an uneducated closet philosopher. Could our future be pushed back upon us? Memory data getting defragged on the universal hard drive? Hylozoism sounds very familiar to me. Possibly from something Neil Stephenson wrote? Maybe even from P. Dick’s exegesis? Oh, and, by the by, matter is awake and well. “Return from the Stars” is a perfect example of it, we just don’t understand the language. We lost the ability/will to communicate with it. We are dead-alive; totally somnambulistic. Concrete beings in concrete realities. Drop more L.S.D. Reach out. I have seen the stars in the sky re-arrange and line up, especially in NM.

I really like this post from you. It's been a long time since I gave anything like this even the slightest of thought. Too long, or was it tomorrow.


Glad you enjoyed it! Always nice to catch you on the two drinks to the philosophy wind.

Hylozoism has been around for awhile, actually. It's a relatively modern way of thinking of panpsychism. Rucker has taken it a step further: He doesn't mean anything philosophical, spiritual, or religious by it. Well, maybe spiritual, but only in that fried Berkeley literati sense of it.

No, he's talking about actually scientifically waking matter up, as in making it conversational. There's a whole bevy of side effects that lead up to this deal; a sort of technologically induced telepathy for instance, which would allow us to communicate directly with anything we choose.

And until recently, I'd have agreed with you about the intriguing possibilities about the time issues of a collapsing universe... however they've recently pretty conclusively discovered that the Universe is not in fact collapsing. It's going to continue to expand forever. There is apparently not enough matter in the Universe to reverse the gravitational direction of the big bang, so, we don't get a nice neat cyclical big crunch. They could always uncover other evidence that there is some other form of matter out there that could cause a collapse, but for now, we're faced with an ever expanding eternity of space until matter is stretched so thin that even the atoms won't be able to hold together.

It's kind of a depressing thought, but by then, per another common discussion in Year Million, we may have found a way to hop down into a baby universe caused by a bubble of spacetime ripped off from a black hole. All part of that Multiverse deal that all the scientificos are bubbly about these days. So you know, there's still hope.


By the way, if I haven't told you this before, you'd really dig Rudy's stuff. Especially if you're enjoying the thought of thinking about this kind of stuff again. Try out his best book ever, White Light.

Miss Luongo

I was reading an essay by a futurist and he said what he does to guess about the distant future world is he looks at the past and sees what's remained in the present. He said, for example, that computers probably won't be around in a million years. They're just a blip on the timeline. But we'll still eat, and mate, and gather, I suppose. I don't know. I put the magazine down and can't find it.


Yeah I read that too, but I don't buy it. Things that are really good ideas do tend to stick around, even when scores of others may fall by the wayside. Agriculture, for instance, made a relatively recent appearance on our evolutionary timescale, yet it has stuck around and I don't see it disappearing from our bag of tricks. Blacksmithing might be a good comparison for computers. Blacksmithing itself may more or less be considered a fringe art these days, yet we still do all kinds of crazy things with metal. So today's particular form of computing may go by the wayside, but I imagine that computing itself will never leave our lifestyle. It's too powerful of a tool. And about the eating and mating and laughing thing: those will only still be around if we decide to keep our bodies.

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