The show went pretty well, thanks for asking. Although I can't personally attest to that really, as the wine and cheese portion of the fun-tivites was completely dominated by me. Julie spent hours toiling the night before to put together a delicious cheese platter, with baked cheese sticks and oatmeal sandwich cookies. And wine. Bottles of wine. I remember chatting with people-shaped objects, spilling some wine, and then a girl with a guitar started playing and she did a great Jolie Holland cover. Nicole Erin Carey was really good, and had I not been so self-involved on this particular evening, I really would have enjoyed her stuff. Go listen to her. I stole this picture from someone on myspace.
Mostly it was my family and Julie's family that came, but there were a few interesting Stroudsburg specimens as well. Old friends, new ones... I think. They were people shaped, anyway. Michael's eye view:
Julie got that one. I'm having loads of fun learning how to use Photoshop Elements, so the patent-pending Michael's eye view adjustment is mine. Then she got one of me and Dad.
Tom LeFevre took this one. That's me in the corner, spot-light, guarding all my wine...
He caught the eternal dilemma nicely; "Hmm, to shop for cds like I came here to do, or to pretend to be interested in the stuff which that creepy drunk guy standing in the corner over there watching me has hung on the wall..."
And so that's that. It was fun, in a terrifying sort of way. I even sold a picture or two, which was nice. I'll end with a nice picture that Julie took of me getting ready for the opening.
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