The Dansbury Depot in East Stroudsburg burned down! Well, like a year ago. But they'd finally decided to move the old building last week, and preserve it. For the history. So I stopped by a night or two before the move to get some nice night shots of what was left of it.
Why would any sane Stroudsburger do such an odd thing, you ask? Well, there's this photo club in the area I'm trying to break into, and this is a photo project they've been working on ever since it became clear that the Depot was going away. Big Dipper!
So I submitted a bunch of these, but the kind lady in charge said I could post them independently if I wanted to. So here's a few of my favorites. The reddish colored photos, like the one above, are unphotoshopped. Except to shrink and tag them, of course. The bluer photos, like the next one, are those with which I messed in order to bring out the more vivid colors of the night. Big Dipper!
I have another reason for being fond of the Dansbury Depot, even if it's a bit of a stretch to justify a photo shoot or a blog post or even a mention; It was my family's first stop in East Stroudsburg when we moved to the area in '89. For those of you who are not familiar with the area, no we did not arrive by train. It's an old train station that had been converted into a resaurant.
That's all I can come up with, I think, to talk about The Dansbury Depot. So one last shot. It's the same as the first, but I used a built-in effect from photoshop on it. I don't normally like those effects, because any artiste can push a button on a computer. Plus it can get time-consuming and I'm lazy. But I wanted to wrap the Depot in plastic before they shipped it off, so there you go.
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