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By Michael H. Williams


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Monday, December 27, 2010


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Ms. Luongo

Well, I think you were right when you said the fondue place's plan was to make us feel safe as babies - hot room, tucked in seating, bubbly cheese, warm bread, bottle of something that makes you sleepy, and open flames to set other diners on fire.

Ms. Luongo

Wait, sorry, scratch that last part.


Yeah that was my impression, but it just seems too odd that they were trying to regress their patrons. Maybe if they'd given us diapers to use as napkins I'd be more sure.

Ms. Luongo

Also, after you saw my Utrillo print you gave me a Sacre Coeur photo you took years ago which just happened to be at the same angle. I used it as my desktop photo so I could stare at Paris when I was zoning out at my desk.


Wow I never knew that. Crazy how we like, totally live together and do all kinds of stuff together and somehow blog commenting is still the best way to exchange information. ;)

Ms. Luongo

Also, you asked me to marry you under the Eiffel Tower. Remember that?


Yes I do remember asking you to marry me... in the middle of our honeymoon.

Ms. Luongo

I said "absolutely, I do."



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