That day off in Texas I had... I drove down to San Antonio to see an old Chiemsee drinking buddy, that guy there. Good times. We ate we drank we loading dock philosophized... it's always fun to realize that you can pick up right where you left off with certain friends. One of my favorite people from the bad old days, Josh is a complex and lovable individual. It was awesome to hang out again, and the afternoon went by too fast before I had to head back up North to work.
The Alamo! Josh had to work that day and didn't get off until 3ish, and I got into San Antonio at around 10ish. So of course I went in search of the Alamo basement. The Alamo is really... dull. And did you know it doesn't actually have a basement? So that killed about a half hour. There's a big ass crazy old oak tree in the Alamo gardens.
I spent the remainder of the morning wandering around San Antonio's River walk, which was a city plan to liven up the downtown area and preserve the waterway. Good idea, really, and the effect is a mini-Venice in Texas... but of course it's all-American. By which I mean, it feels more fabricated than organic, and is chock-a-block with restaurants with big shiny menus and fat people. (I suppose I should add here that I'm not a fattist, it's just that the preponderance of the over-ponderous in this country really gets me down in certain settings.) I did my best to leave all that out of the picture though.
And that's all I got out of San Antone before meeting up with Josh. I hope the next time we meet, it's somewhere less Texas.
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