Hi all,
Sorry I haven't replied to some of you personally yet; it's been a fairly busy week, what with me getting ready to hit the biggest party on the planet and all. Just wanted to let everyone know that my flight date has been pushed back to Tuesday the 12th now. The company is experiencing delays in getting my visa apparently. This works out better for me anyway, as I was starting to panic a bit trying to get everything done here that I need to.
It's interesting the varied reactions that I've been getting from people about this. Some people have expressed horrified dismay at my apparent death-wish and a few others think it's about the coolest thing they've ever heard of. And all of the possible reactions in between, as well. If it makes the former feel better, which I suppose it won't, I really don't want to die, and I'm not running away from anything. As of yesterday the total number of American deaths in Iraq since soldiers first began this campaign are 152, which is pretty good considering how many thousands are over there. So it's not a given that I'm walking the Green Mile. However, as a certain friend pointed out to me yesterday, the number of American housekeeping supervisors killed by heavy artillery in East Stroudsburg last year was 0... so it's certainly no Green Acres, either. I am aware of the risks.
Trust me, no one will feel worse, or dumber, than I should I get myself killed, but it seems like a fairly takeable risk at this point to go and see one of the world's current most interesting dramas unfolding itself... and the money is nice as well. Someone asked me for reasons why I've decided to do this... well I don't really know. Aside from adventure and cash and the pure joy of scrubbing toilets in Baghdad, I can't really come up with any concrete reasons. It just seems like a much more valid chance for experience than returning to the States, perhaps.
I'm not the only one going, either. So far about seven guys from here have taken the Arabic plunge, and more seem imminent. My friend Scott is going, as well as an Irishman named Rodney, who hooked us up with the job in the first place, and another friend named Dave. The four of us will be at the same place, and the other three guys are elsewhere within Iraq.
Well, that's all I've got for you at the moment. I'll try to get back to you all at some point, but please understand if my future emailing seems sporadic. Got lots to do.
Much Love,